To Know, Grow, and – Go! Going on to APPLY and live the Spirit-Led Life in Christ
Every Blog will have an opportunity to apply the three ways we become rounded and grounded believers; in the WORD, WORSHIP, & PRAYER.
“We are not called to DO church, we are called to BE the Church!” – Take action below in…
THE WORD: To be Grounded in the Word
To hide His Word in your heart get this great Tool
Bible Memory APP and Tool on the Go
WORSHIP: To Live a lifestyle of Worship
Share your WOW Story How has God “wowed you?
PRAYER: By Plugging into His Power
We are Here How Can We Pray for you?
Would You Pray for WOW?
December 2019
- Dec 31, 2019 NEW YEAR: YOUR WOW MOMENT Dec 31, 2019
October 2017
- Oct 6, 2017 SURPRISE IN THE STORY...The Vegas Tragedy Oct 6, 2017
September 2016
- Sep 3, 2016 For Parents and Prodigals: Children are like Kites Sep 3, 2016
July 2016
- Jul 1, 2016 Freedom Part 2: 7 Ways to Fly in Freedom Jul 1, 2016
April 2016
- Apr 22, 2016 WOW Stories: When I prayed for Prince - Podcast Apr 22, 2016
November 2015
- Nov 10, 2015 WOW Ministries With Casey Schutrop Video Blog | In The Valley of The Shadow Nov 10, 2015
July 2015
- Jul 2, 2015 Repeat After Me: I AM FREE Part 1 Jul 2, 2015
June 2015
- Jun 18, 2015 Prayer Part Two: Little Prayer, Little Power, Much Prayer… Jun 18, 2015
- Jun 8, 2015 National Day of Prayer Jun 8, 2015
NEW YEAR: Your WOW Moment. A video message and devotional with a prayer for you as we enter the new year…
Still fresh, the day after the flood of news of the largest mass-shooting on U.S. soil, when the gates of hell rained open fire on people as they were led to sing “God Bless America”, the confusion and subliminal 'angst' was growing within me. Hurting deeply for the lives lost, the injured and the families affected, my thoughts went to the ripple-effect of this tragedy as I tried to wrap my head around it. -Very hard to process
The beginning of the school year has first day jitters for many a young one, but also for the parents. I will never forget - the 'angst' of excitement, joy, worry and the pain of letting go - all rolled up into one big glump in my throat. Curbside, praying the kisses would somehow shield them from every 'evil' -MY littles, entrusted to ME; to guide, guard and steward were suddenly scooting off to experience the world unknown.
There are many kinds of slavery and many kinds of freedom. The debate and debacle we see all around us continues, yet like the last post, before we are concerned for our rights and freedoms in this country, we must first ask: Am I free?
Happy 4th of July! Ironic how the very week we are to celebrate our freedom with fireworks, fireworks are flying over the news and social media. The very underpinnings of the constitution are being shaken and many are left with their head spinning. But there is hope! Here is my ‘WOW Story’ with an encouragement as we celebrate our freedom…
Power for life and Godliness – we all need it. It is to be our starting point, to propel us forward for growth and to know the goodness of God in our lives. Yet, how can we have these power packed prayers?
Corrie Ten Boom, her parents having hid Jews in her home during the Nazi occupation of WW2, understood from her experiences the need for revival in her land...