Partner With Us


Thank you for making a difference to bring Kingdom Impact now.  As Director, I believe WOW needs to have godly stewardship for maximum impact (Phil. 1:27); therefore, efficient management of funds is of the utmost importance to WOW. The board of directors keeps the overhead as low as possible so that the funding the Lord puts on your heart to pledge is maximized. That’s why an unprecedented 96% of all monies given go directly to the outreach efforts WOW does here and abroad.

To learn about project underwriting, holiday, end of year, estate, and gift in kind giving, please contact me for personal detail.

Together for Kingdom Impact,

Marty Schutrop

WOW Ministries International

Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you. - Deuteronomy 16:17